Sunday, January 25, 2009


We hosted a party at our house last night. Kind of open house/drop in/feed people and go crazy sort of party. Greg even managed to relax a bit before  it, which has gotta be a first!!

It was fun in a sort of overwhelming way. Lots of people, many of whom didn't have a whole lot in common. But they seemed to find some common ground, or if not, then they separated out into ... hmm ... the 'religious' ones from the non religious ones to start with an egregious divide. People from my life, people from Greg's life. People we have learned to know as a  couple. Gradually our lives are becoming more and more intertwined. 

Amos was great, and the boys were good too. Alex of course was in his element, Dmitri got overwhelmed and took himself out of the picture for a while by hiding in our room and reading. I applauded that, as he learns how to take care of his needs. How does a kid like that manage in a junior high/high school environment??? Surrounded by swarms of people, all day every day. Wow. No wonder he finds school so tough!

Happy Sunday ...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Someone else posted this ... thought I'd share

Seamus Heaneyt:

History says, Don’t hope 
on this side of the grave. 
But then, once in a lifetime 
the longed for tidal wave 
of justice can rise up, 
and hope and history rhyme.

Inauguration day

Listening to Obama's speech today gave me goosebumps. He is only one man but one man with so much power and - it seems - a real sense of vision and direction. He is one man who can, perhaps, rally the country and the world to pull towards a new dawn. We need him and more like him.