Friday, December 19, 2008

So I am now working full time. 8 to 4 Monday to Friday. First time since 1987 that I've done this. And I'm seriously wondering how I'm going to manage it. I feel tired all the time, behind the 8 ball all the time, heck I'm even paying someone else to walk my dog.



Sunday, December 14, 2008

We did it!

Greg and I spent the weekend painting our front room. Red (a deep dark Etruscan, muddy earthy red, ummmm gorgeous) and charcoal (silvery grey, dark but not). It is a luscious colour combination and definitely not for the faint of heart. But we love it!!!

Next up ... baseboards! And then a party in the new year to show off our home.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

New Job less stress

Coming back to life as a regular working joe is making me re-discover something of who I was many years ago. I remember my boyfriend in University used to tease me because I was (as he said) a 'jack-in-the-box'. What he was referring to was that as soon as the alarm went I bounced up and off I went, usually not to stop for the next 12 hours or so ...

I have often remembered that comment with bemusement. Where did that jack-in-the-box go? For years I have struggled with mornings, not wanting to get up, having trouble waking up, etc. And yet, now that I have this new job, I find when my alarm goes off ... I get up! I guess part of it is that I know I have NO CHOICE but get up and go if I want to get all I must do, done before leaving for work. Having a dog makes all that even more critical, since Amos simply won't tolerate not being walked before my leaving, nor could I live with the guilt (or messes) that that would inspire. 

During my morning shower (another new/old habit), I started rolling over in my mind the luxury of knowing all the things I know about today. I know where I am going! I know where I need to park, how long it takes me to walk from my car to where I will work. I know who will be there, and (roughly) what will be expected of me. I know that people will be happy to see me, and that I have a real contribution to make to the environment around me. I know that my day won't consist of meeting after meeting, but that instead I will have time to do my own work, think my own thoughts and even (gasp) NOT think sometimes. What else do I know? No one will yell at me if I am late. People will learn that I am generally on time and dependable. I can be trusted. I won't have to help people communicate, but instead can use my well-honed skills in this area to enhance the environment around me.

Life is, in the main, good. Ahhh.


Monday, December 8, 2008

Monday afternoon

Beginning the second week of my new job at Carleton. It is going well, although I find the day dragging today. Not enough to do!

I have a migraine today - right side - Someone told me once that as I approached/went through menopause they would go away but I haven't seen any hint that that might be the case in my situation. I HATE them.

I want to be under the sea in an octapuses garden in the shade ... ahhh yes. Or actually, maybe I'd rather be curled up on the sofa with my dog watching dumb taped tv.

I am a girl with simple tastes.
