Tuesday, December 9, 2008

New Job less stress

Coming back to life as a regular working joe is making me re-discover something of who I was many years ago. I remember my boyfriend in University used to tease me because I was (as he said) a 'jack-in-the-box'. What he was referring to was that as soon as the alarm went I bounced up and off I went, usually not to stop for the next 12 hours or so ...

I have often remembered that comment with bemusement. Where did that jack-in-the-box go? For years I have struggled with mornings, not wanting to get up, having trouble waking up, etc. And yet, now that I have this new job, I find when my alarm goes off ... I get up! I guess part of it is that I know I have NO CHOICE but get up and go if I want to get all I must do, done before leaving for work. Having a dog makes all that even more critical, since Amos simply won't tolerate not being walked before my leaving, nor could I live with the guilt (or messes) that that would inspire. 

During my morning shower (another new/old habit), I started rolling over in my mind the luxury of knowing all the things I know about today. I know where I am going! I know where I need to park, how long it takes me to walk from my car to where I will work. I know who will be there, and (roughly) what will be expected of me. I know that people will be happy to see me, and that I have a real contribution to make to the environment around me. I know that my day won't consist of meeting after meeting, but that instead I will have time to do my own work, think my own thoughts and even (gasp) NOT think sometimes. What else do I know? No one will yell at me if I am late. People will learn that I am generally on time and dependable. I can be trusted. I won't have to help people communicate, but instead can use my well-honed skills in this area to enhance the environment around me.

Life is, in the main, good. Ahhh.


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